Bringing parents together worldwide, aiming for a million messages to leaders advocating for a cleaner, greener future for all our children.

Introducing the #FromOurHearts Campaign

cop27 Image By Anita Bagdi
This global initiative, will eventually evolve into #OneMillionParentVoices, uniting parents worldwide to advocate from all corners of the world raising their voices for the well-being and future of our children. With the upcoming COP28 on the horizon, it's time for us to unite and make a powerful statement. Through heartfelt messages conveyed in various forms – Online, Handwritten, in Videos, Podcasts, Audios, Songs, Dance, Art, – we will advocate for the health of our planet, pledging to steer away from fossil fuels and work towards a cleaner, greener future.

Why This Matters?

The planet our children inherit, will be shaped by the choices we make today. Fossil fuels have taken a toll on our environment, impacting the air they breathe and the quality of life they will experience. By participating in the #FromOurHearts campaign, parents across the globe can collectively urge political leaders to prioritise clean air and sustainable practices by giving up fossil fuels, ensuring a healthier planet for generations to come.
cop27 Image By Anita Bagdi

Get Involved!

  • You can share online messages here

    Share using the hashtag #FromOurHearts. You may select messages from the directory on the website if you agree with any. Let your voice be heard by using the power of the internet to spread awareness and garner support.

  • You can post your handwritten messages here

    The personal touch of a handwritten letter, a card, or even just a sticky note can have a profound impact. Pen your thoughts and concerns on paper and upload them on the website or social media using the hashtag #FromOurHearts.

  • You can publish your videos here

    Express your message creatively through videos. You can share your personal stories, concerns, and aspirations for a cleaner world in any regional language and upload them on the website or social media using the hashtag #FromOurHearts. Don't forget to use the hashtag #FromOurHearts when/if you share on social media.

  • You can share your podcasts here

    Record heartfelt audio messages addressing politicians and leaders or even ‘sounds’ and ‘screams’ of the recent climate disasters that the world has experienced. Share your thoughts on clean air, renewable energy, and a healthier planet for our children's future in any language you may be comfortable with and upload on the website or social media using the hashtag #FromOurHearts.

Image By Anita Bagdi

Share Your Message

  • Write down your heartfelt message for the campaign.
  • Choose your preferred medium – Online, Handwritten, Video, Podcast, or Audio.
  • Share your message on the link and social media, relevant platforms, or with local representatives.
  • Use the hashtag #FromOurHearts to ensure your message reaches a wider audience.
  • Encourage other parents to join the campaign and amplify its impact.

Help Us Spread the Word

Invite your friends, family, and fellow parents to participate in the #FromOurHearts Campaign. The more voices we unite, the stronger our message becomes. Together, we can create a groundswell of support that political leaders cannot ignore.